Situated in the North of Italy, the Lombardy Region is covered at 43% of its surface by mountains and 13% of its population lives in these areas.
Also, 12% of all regional businesses are mountainous: they are mainly micro-businesses and cover the building, real estate and metallurgical sectors (50%), trade and crafts (23%) and tourism (12%).
Thus far, the Lombardy Region developed several strategy and funds by financing interventions in 23 mountain communities and has worked to develop the Italian “National Strategy of Inner Areas” in mountain territories. It also participates to cross-border and transnational programmes such as Interreg Italy-Switzerland, Interreg Alpine Space, Interreg Adriatic Ionian and is one of the promoter region of the EUSALP strategy.
Cohesion stories
Cohesion stories
Tips to access Cohesion funds
Local partner
Regional Board of Agriculture and Forestry Services
The Regional Board of Agriculture and Forestry Services is our regional partner in Lombardy. Want to know more about territorial cohesion in Lombardy? Contact us:;